Hotel Contact

The information you need for Hotel Privacy and Security Policy, Terms and Conditions, Cancellation and Refund Policy, Contact, Suggestions and Complaints.

Hotel Contact › Ataşehir Hotel

Terms and Conditions › Hotel Contact | Hotel


If you are interested in our products or services, before making a request; Please review the terms and conditions detailed below.

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img/en/min/hotel/hotel-contact/privacy/privacy.jpg-|-Privacy and Security › Hotel Contact | Hotel-|-Image: Privacy and Security › Hotel Contact | Hotel


You do not need to be a member to browse our website. If you want to shop; Information required for invoice and service is requested.

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img/en/min/hotel/hotel-contact/cancellation/cancellation.jpg-|-Cancellation and Refund Policy › Hotel Contact | Hotel-|-Image: Cancellation and Refund Policy › Hotel Contact | Hotel


If you order from our website, you are deemed to have accepted the preliminary information form and distance sales contract presented to you.

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img/en/min/hotel/hotel-contact/dm/dm.jpg-|-Feedback Form › Hotel Contact | Hotel-|-Image: Feedback Form › Hotel Contact | Hotel


You can send us your opinions, criticisms and suggestions about our website, products and services via the form on this page.

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This page was added on 21.05.2024.